A game-changing, fully customizable plier-based modular multi-tool with interchangeable components.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
March Update & Upgrades!
almost 3 years ago
– Wed, Mar 30, 2022 at 05:33:33 AM
Good day to all you Makers, Creators, and DIYers!
Manufacturing Update:
Our next set of samples is scheduled to be delivered this Thursday! I had hoped to post this month's update after we received them, but Customs had other plans. This set will include all the add-ons tools as well as the brass & titanium scales. We will posting more pictures and videos on our social media accounts after we get all the new pieces. If you haven't seen the testing videos on our YouTube channel, it's a great preview of what you will all be receiving! We continue to add videos as we go through testing.
I know a lot of people want a specific date or month they will be receiving their perks. Believe me when I say I wish I could just post a simple answer like that. Every month I do my best to post in these updates where we are in this process. Adding up the remaining steps gives a *rough* estimate. Keep in mind, the current step will always be "in progress" and partially through the time length listed. Some of the upcoming steps are also partially completed as there is some over lap. This timeline is conservative because sometimes we hit a roadblock with design, machining, supplier, or logistics. We don't want to make a lot of promises based on optimal global circumstances. With that said, how about some GOOD news?? While we have been be delayed for a multitude of different reasons, we have been utilizing that time for your benefit!
The upgraded scissors have already been revealed!
The pliers are now spring-loaded (Everyone involved in testing refused to go back to regular pliers after testing the spring-loaded upgraded ones!)
The S30v blades are all being upgraded to S35vn! (It's an even better steel)
The sheath has been updated with elastic pockets/sleeves internally and externally for spart tools and accessories. We listened to your requests :)
All of these upgrades are at no extra cost to you! We are taking care of the extra costs ourselves as an act of good faith and a 'Thank You' for standing with us through these global delays.
Steps 1-8 complete! (Full list in previous updates)
9: Tooling creation and Tooling samples (around 2 months - This is already in progress)
10: 200pcs Test run production (after tooling sample confirmation, around 2 months subject to the production schedule)
11: Mass production (after test run confirmation, around 3 months subject to the production schedule)
The Story Behind the Tool:
Picking up from last month, I had filed the Provisional Patent and had order our first set of parts made from steel. This is when I discovered I had made a rookie engineering mistake: Just because it looks good in CAD doesn't mean it works in real life...
Upon receiving all of the metal prototype pieces it was very clear that all of the tolerances were far too tight. In CAD, a 0.1mm gap looks like its big enough to keep spare change in, so those tolerances are slimmed down until they look pretty on screen - but in consequence become near impossible to manufacture and assemble. The parts needed major modifications to fit together and function properly, as well as some interference issues that required hefty design alterations. The transition from pliable 3D printed prototypes to actual steel was a very expensive lesson that cost months of extra work and several thousand dollars.
For the next year+ I was deploying to jungles and sandy places, then coming home and working to fix all of the design flaws. As much as I'd love to paint the picture of a proper workshop with all the necessary tools - I no longer had a garage, I was in a 1 bedroom condo, and most my gear still hadn't been replaced since the burglary. So I was Dremeling with a mini-vise at a crafting table in the corner of my bedroom, forging with a MAP gas torch + a couple hammers in the bathroom, and spot welding in the kitchen with a modified car jump-starter. It wasn't feasible to spend a few grand and wait weeks on a machine shop for every alteration to every piece. Those prototypes weren't pretty, but they worked!
Now I needed a shop to make fresh parts from the updated designs. Which seemed like it would have been so much simpler than it turned out to be...
Your support and patience are infinitely appreciated! We will continue to provide updates as we venture through this process together.
Michael O'Donnell
GOAT Tools
February Update!
almost 3 years ago
– Sat, Feb 19, 2022 at 03:26:00 AM
Good day to all you Makers, Creators, and DIYers!
Manufacturing Update:
We have been testing the pre-production "prototypes" for the past month. I put that in quotes because our manufacturer has done such an amazing job that these models are production quality and technically fulfill all the promises of these multitools. However, "good enough" isn't good enough for GOAT Tools. I've mentioned we are fine-tuning things to try and provide the best user experience. Things like finish textures, millimeter changes on the leaf spring for ideal tension, tenths of a millimeter changes on the blade holder to accommodate as many brands of hobby blades as possible (spoiler: they are not standardized dimensions, much to our dismay. But anything even close to X-acto brand should work with ease). Tested flat grind vs countersunk holes on the cutters (Thanks JHGH for the suggestion! We are always listening to feedback). There are a few other features we are implementing that we hope will make up for the delays we had to endure. If you haven't seen the testing videos on our YouTube channel, it's a great preview of what you will all be receiving! We continue to add videos as we go through testing.
Steps 1-8 complete! (Full list in previous updates)
9: Tooling creation and Tooling samples (after prototypes confirmation, around 2 months)
10: 200pcs Test run production (after tooling sample confirmation, around 2 months subject to the production schedule)
11: Mass production (after test run confirmation, around 3 months subject to the production schedule)
The Story Behind the Tool:
Picking up from last month, I moved back to San Diego with no tools, tech, or gear to continue designing and developing. The upside was I was now living in a secure building with RFID entry and a plethora of security cameras. The downside was that it was an 800 sqft condo and I no longer had a garage or workshop.
It took a few months for insurance to process all the claims and to find a replacement vehicle (RIP 2010 Camaro SS that got chopped to pieces). I utilized this time to start taking care of all the boring portions of creating the business. 2017 I registered GOAT Tools LLC, purchased our domains, and opened up an official bank account. The tedious things that were necessary when I started talking to patent lawyers and to give me more credibility with manufacturers. This was the beginning of my realization that tools, R&D, and collaborating with the community are my passions in this industry. Dealing with lawyers, bankers, sales reps, and marketers were the necessary evils I had to endure to bring this to life haha.
By the end of 2017, I had filed the Provisional Patent and had an On-Demand prototype & manufacturing company making our first set of parts made from steel instead of just 3D filament. Which turned out to be a very expensive way to learn a lot of the flaws in the design, material requirements, and manufacturing instruction...
Your support and patience are infinitely appreciated! We will continue to provide updates as we venture through this process together.
Michael O'Donnell
GOAT Tools
January Update!
about 3 years ago
– Sat, Jan 15, 2022 at 07:16:26 PM
Good day to all you Makers, Creators, and DIYers!
Manufacturing Update:
The prototypes have been completed! We have a few variations to test potential changes to the final design. Utilizing the manufacturing timeline to incorporate any improvements we can that won't also delay the production. We will be posting more detailed pictures and videos to our social media accounts as soon as these tools are in our hands!
Steps 1-8complete! (Full list in previous updates)
9: Tooling creation and Tooling samples (after prototypes confirmation, around 2 months)
10: 200pcs Test run production (after tooling sample confirmation, around 2 months subject to the production schedule)
11: Mass production (after test run confirmation, around 3 months subject to the production schedule)
The Story Behind the Tool:
We left off last month when I decided to go back into Defense to help fund this endeaver. The upside was that I now had some liquid to throw at the project, the downside was that I had to spend a lot of time working for that money and had less time available to dedicate to the project.
I had begun building a small workshop for prototyping. Mostly 3D printing and related tools for rapid design changes and testing. I was using very basic 3D modeling programs for the functional testing and 3D rendering programs for more intricate designs. As I got closer to needing metal prototypes, I discovered that the 3D rendering program (and corresponding design files) were NOT designed for CAD/machine shops. Every shop I sent my files to said they couldn't make it or completely ignored the request. The problem was that the rendered designs are all polygons, what looks like a 5mm hole was really a 60 sided polygon that would be the bane of a machinist's existence.
I had to learn an entirely new modeling program from scratch that was created specifically for CAD, and remake all the designs. Commercial grade CAD programs cost thousands of dollars. Big thanks to Autodesk! They let hobbyists and startups use their programs for free! Finally had usable 3D files and drawings I could send to machine shops and not get immediately turned down. Now we were tweaking the modifying design elements to fit the limitations of equipment and the material.
Then in 2016, I returned home from my 4th Tour. My house had been ransacked. All of my tools, 3D printer, computer, and everything else of value had been stolen. It was an unsettling and demoralizing setback. The project got put on hold for a short while as I worked on transitioning to a new position that allowed me to move back to San Diego.
Your support and patience are infinitely appreciated! We will continue to provide updates as we venture through this process together.
Michael O'Donnell
GOAT Tools
December Update, with pictures!
about 3 years ago
– Sat, Dec 11, 2021 at 04:11:59 PM
Good day to all you Makers, Creators, and DIYers!
Manufacturing Update:
Some pictures from the manufacturer! We have some of the first tooling and molds completed. Pieces are being heat-treated, test fit, surface finished, and function tested. We have already discovered and fixed a few aspects of the design (1/10ths of millimeter changes) to ensure the best function for all of you!
Steps 1-7 complete! (Full list in previous updates)
8: Prototype making including shaping molds (around 2 months) Almost complete! Should be finished before New Years.
9: Tooling creation and Tooling samples (after prototypes confirmation, around 2 months)
10: 200pcs Test run production (after tooling sample confirmation, around 2 months subject to the production schedule)
11: Mass production (after test run confirmation, around 3 months subject to the production schedule)
The Story Behind the Tool: We left off last month with the birth of the idea. Although I knew it was a fantastic idea, I quickly realized why none of the major players had done it already. I started with the design requirements: tools must be able to fold into the handle, all tools must lock in place when in use, all tools must be able to be removed from the handle without fully disassembling it, and must not require external tools. Individually, these requirements weren't too difficult, but when they were combined they became very counterintuitive to each other.
I started with the modular portion, trying different pivot systems in search of the best one to modify. Originally, I was trying double pin & slot designs. That was far too complicated, had weak points, too many pieces, and was not a solid design. I changed course and committed a single pin concept, the design we have now! Well, at least the most rudimentary form of it. The combination of a D-shaped pin and a slotted tool allowed for secure rotation while still being able to remove the tool at 2 opposite angles.
The new challenge: On a system that rotates 180°, this pivot system is going to be unsecure somewhere within its rotation. This is where the design of the handle was going to have to come into play. At this point, I knew I was onto something (and naively believed I was closer than I was). Paper models, CAD designs, 3D printed prototypes, and tooling were getting expensive. I was 3 years into an Aerospace Engineering Degree on my GI Bill, which didn't quite cover food and rent, and close to broke. I ended up accepting an offer in the Defense Industry as a military contractor so I could pay for the research & development of my dream....
Your support and patience are infinitely appreciated! We will continue to provide updates as we venture through this process together.
Michael O'Donnell
GOAT Tools
November Update
about 3 years ago
– Tue, Nov 09, 2021 at 09:03:05 PM
Good day to all you Makers, Creators, and DIYers!
Patent Update: Granted on October 26, 2021! With a priority date of Sep 7, 2018. It took over 4 years to finally get it! From the original Provisional Patent Application, to a PCT (Patent Cooperation Treaty, akin to a world-wide provisional), and then finally the full USPTO Utility Patent.
Manufacturing Update:
Steps 1-7 complete! (Full list in previous updates)
8: Prototype making including shaping molds (around 2 months) ^^Already in work. This should be complete next month.
9: Tooling creation and Tooling samples (after prototypes confirmation, around 2 months)
10: 200pcs Test run production (after tooling sample confirmation, around 2 months subject to the production schedule)
11: Mass production (after test run confirmation, around 3 months subject to the production schedule)
The Story Behind the Tool: I've been using multi-tools since I was a single-digit youngster trying to build his own go-cart. Used several models from all the major brands like Othermen,Not-Baby-Food Gear, and Victory Knocks. As well as several lesser quality bargain bin options. Some broke, some were lost to the Bermuda triangle, and some found their way to a different pocket.
Fall 2015 - Being in the market for a new multi-tool after the last one walked off, I was trying to make a list of my most used components and filter my options based on those priorities. The shocking part was how many components I realized I didn't need daily! The hunt for a customized load-out began...much to my own dismay. I searched the websites of all the big players in the multi-tool landscape and they all had a dozen different options, and none of them fit what I needed. How could so many companies that make tools for people to disassemble and fix things make their own tools so tamper-resistant? Not only did they not offer customization, but they actively design against it!
Thus was the birth of the dream. Not just a multi-tool that can be customized, but a system that you could hot-swap the tools on the fly. Go from an IT load-out to a wilderness bushcraft kit within minutes. Inventing a pivot system to accommodate this would take another year...
Your support and patience are infinitely appreciated! We will continue to provide updates as we venture through this process together.